Dell and TAWAL Collaborate to Drive Technology Advancements in OPEN RAN and Edge Computing in Saudi Arabia’s Telecommunications Sector
Channel, Events, Information technology

Dell and TAWAL Collaborate to Drive Technology Advancements in OPEN RAN and Edge Computing in Saudi Arabia’s Telecommunications Sector

Dell Technologies and TAWAL today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on new opportunities to advance the telecommunications industry in Saudi Arabia. The agreement was signed by Abdulrahman Almoaiqel, Chief Commercial Officer at TAWAL and Mohammed Amin, Sr. Vice-President, Central Eastern Europe, Middle East, Turkey and Africa (CEEMETA) for Dell Technologies. TAWAL, established…


No matter how powerful, countries cannot rule the whole world. The world is ruled by brains, by justice, by morals and by fairness. Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

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