91% respondents in Saudi Arabia view broadband as critical national infrastructure finds Cisco

91% respondents in Saudi Arabia view broadband as critical national infrastructure finds Cisco

Consumers in Saudi Arabia are rethinking what they rely on the Internet for, balancing anticipated demands for speed and reliability, with the intensifying needs of rising eco-consciousness, and the consumerisation of the Internet of Things, IoT connecting our devices, from smart cars to home appliances.

This has led to 91% of respondents in Saudi Arabia to regard broadband as critical national infrastructure, like access to water and electricity – surpassing EMEA results. The latest Cisco Broadband Survey, which included 2,000 respondents from Saudi Arabia, has found that evolving consumer expectations will reshape the needs and economics of the Internet.

The carbon-cost of broadband connectivity is a top priority for consumers. Cisco’s Broadband Survey revealed that 65% of consumers in Saudi Arabia are now concerned about the carbon footprint of their broadband, with young people aged 18-24 the most concerned, 73%.

In addition, 92% of overall respondents in the Saudi Arabia would be willing to pay more for sustainable broadband, with around a quarter prepared to pay a price premium of more than 20%.

“Our survey has confirmed that consumers in Saudi Arabia are increasingly aware of the carbon footprints of technology,” said Salman Faqeeh, Managing Director, Cisco Saudi Arabia.

In Saudi Arabia, more than half of Internet users primarily go online to use social media, 58%, stream videos and, or play video games, 57%, and to browse, read, or shop, 53%. Of those planning to upgrade their service in the next year, 44% will do so on the promise of even faster broadband.

Consumers in the Saudi Arabia are also beginning to embrace the shift toward a smarter digital life. From smart lights, 29% to home appliances, 30%, respondents in Saudi Arabia are increasingly synchronising up a range of connected devices to run via their home Internet service, including more than half, 54% currently connecting their home entertainment devices.

October 20, 2023

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